Vision Time Video Conferencing Software

Personal video conferencing over your home phone line. Now you can SEE each other on your PC screens in real life motions over the telephone line. Windows 95 Compatible!
Vision Time with a price breathrough at $49.50, makes video conferencing very affordable for your office and home.

    With VisionTime software you can:
  • Do docmuent conferencing (with a PC and Modem)
  • Do document conferencing with simultaneous voice (with a PC and DSVD modem)
  • Do videoconferencing (with a PC, modem, video papture card and camcorder)
VisionTime make videoconferencing portable on a notebook computer. On the road, you can call your office or home and see your family or collegues on true-color full motion video while discussing ideas in pictures on the whiteboard.

You can also import images using TWAIN devices such as a scanner and quickly transmit them to the other side for discussion. You can capture and save high resolution images for later use.

VisionTime works with POTS line, ISDN line and Internet.

    Options available:
  • Video capture card with Video for Windows driver
  • Video capture card with MPEG1 CD movie playback
  • Monitor top B/W video camera
  • Monitor top color video camera
  • Telepro card to achieve simultaneous voice at 4.8K compression
  • DSVD 28.8K modem to achieve simultaneous voice at 8.4K compression
    Minimum System Requirements:
  • 386 PC/Notebook with 4MB RAM, 8MB hard disk space, VGA card with 256 colors
  • DOS 6.0 and Windows 3.1
  • Modem 9600 baud rate