A Novel Novel

Mrs. White studied writing at the University of Washington even after her marraige to John G. White ('36 Olympic gold medalist in crew) and the full-time mothering of their children. For many years she battled manic-depression but kept on writing and painting as she went through the process on many occasions of withdrawing from the wrong drugs prescribed for her illness. A big sense of humor and a solid faith were saving graces. Now that she is mentally well she is not strong physically, but doesn't act the retiree at home on Lopez Island, (San Juan Islands) WA. Once she was an actress and could sing, dance, and teach with vigor - activities she still accomplishes with less exertion.

Her childhood was spent in Olympia, WA; she and John (from Seattle) have many life-long friends in their home-towns and elsewhere that mean a great deal to them, as do their children (4), grandchildren (4), and great grandchildren (2).