At MediaCity we use all 28.8K V.34 Modems - the fastest modems available today that are designed to connect with consumer modems.
When you dial in, your modem is in a mode of "listening" for the carrier tones it likes. These tones are directly related to the speed your modem can connect. The modem you are calling will answer the line and make the highest speed tone run it can connect at. If your modem does not begin to respond to this tone the answering modem will then send out the next highest speed tone. This continues until your modem responds to a tone that matches a speed it can run at.
The 28.8K modems at our sites answer the phone and make the 28.8K tones first, if your modem is a 9600 or 14.4K modem it will sit there and wait for the tone it likes. This extra time is required to connect. When 14.4K modems were made 28.8K modem tones did not exist. So the default "time to wait setting" in many 14.4K modems is NOT set to wait long enough to establish a connection with a 28.8K modem at a 14.4K speed. So you find yourself having to re-call more than once to make a connection.
You can solve this problem by re-programming or by having your programs dial (or login) scripts to wait 60 or more seconds and this problem will go away.
Older Global Village Mac modems work just fine if you change the INIT
string (located in your SLIP software setup (InterSLIP) to the following:
This may work with many other 14.4K modems.
FOR PC Users with 14.4K modems:
You can program the Electically Erasable Programable Read Only Memory
(EEPROM) configuration inside your modem by using a simple modem program
like Microphone, Procomm PC Plus or Quicklink.
Enter the string AT&F1S7=70 and press enter. You should see a responce of OK appear. Next enter AT&W and press enter - then AT&W1 and press enter.
This writes the new configuration in the EEPROM.
Next you may need to change your login scripts. You can do this by using a simple ASCII text editor - from DOS you simply edit the login script and replace the 30 in the init string reference to 70.
TRUMPET SLIP Winsock Users:
Instead of editing these files, the best, fastest and most convient thing
to do would be to download the NEW login scripts located in our
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