To Virgil & Denise
This is a prototype that I lifted entirely from the Harrah's brochure that you gave me.
It could be the way a hotel structures their site, or a regularly updated 'magazine' that is linked
to their main site.
I scanned all of the pictures and resized them from the brochure, and used the scanner and OCR software to input the text.
I cleaned up some of the obvious text errors, but did not spend much time in assuring it's accuracy.
If we have permission to use these sorts of brochures, great. If not, you need to get the
appropriate content in a non-copyright-violation sort of way.
No atttempt has been made to optimize the size of the graphics nor to interleave them, and it was written specifically with Netscape as the target
browser. Some of the graphics are jpeg format, and may not apper unless viewed in netscape 1.1.
Hot August Nights
is as much fun as you can have on four wheels. This year it's August 2-6.
Remember the Great Balloon Race last year? What fun! This year it's September 8-10.
The Fireworks over Lake Tahoe made me proud to be an American. What a way to spend the 4th!
Copyright 1995, Harrah's Reno