The Information Group, Inc., is a global organization, headquartered in the
United States with partnerships in North America
and Asia. For more than a
decade, we successfully increased the wealth-creating capability of companies
(key companies) in an increasingly fierce competitive global economy. Our global
partnerships include 100 noted business, technology, and education professionals
with proven experience led by renown personalities
(TIG leadership).
The Information Group allows executives to view their business structures and processes systemically, providing them the means to actually see how their company creates value in the market-place, and how this value is transformed into corporate wealth. Leveraging this new understanding, and working together with the executive team, we assist the company in designing and implementing structures and processes that empower and enable frontline teams to do whatever is necessary in the company's moments of truth--the times when appropriate, timely action that intensifies market value, resulting in continuously increasing stakeholder wealth.
Our unique program is implemented throughout an extensive relationship which includes copyrighted courseware, executive education and training, hands-on restructuring and reengineering, executive information systems, and longterm nurturing and support.
We serve client-partners who are specially selected for their business potential, executive commitment to change, and fit with our beliefs. We will work with you to define your needs and to develop a program best suited to your company's organization, culture and operating style.
Using our unique program, we work together with your executive team to achieve:
- Positioning and dominance in the marketplace
Redefine your products, services, and markets to maximize the value perceived and delivered to your customers.
- Recovery and turnaround of distressed businesses
Increase the value your company creates and delivers while reducing costs.
- Business startup
Establish your company so that it will be capable of delivering the most value possible for your investment.
- Joint ventures
Establish successful joint ventures by creating value-creating linkages with the processes of partners, suppliers, and customers.
- Technology transfer
Realize the full value of technology transfer by transferring everything necessary, including process changes, customization, and culture conversion.
Our Beliefs
We believe that:
- The underlying purpose of any business is to create and deliver wealth and value to its stakeholders, based/proportional on their importance to the company's success. It is management's job to convert resources into stakeholder wealth.
- All businesses are linked in value-based alliances on both the demand-side and supply-side. The ultimate consumer determines the value that the alliances have produced. The consumers' pockets are the source of all the wealth that is shared by the members of an alliance.
- A business creates value only through its business processes, and delivers and realizes that value through its stakeholder relationships and the fulfillment of their expectations. The only expenditures a company should make are for the operation and continuous improvement of its business processes, with the goal of meeting stakeholder expectations.
- Each business has a number of frontlines--those places where employees come in direct contact with key stakeholders. The success of these stakeholder interactions is dependent on the ability of frontline employees and supporting business processes to deliver value by satisfying stakeholders' needs when and where they occur. These are the company's moments of truth.
- In the new (why only new?) business, management must align all reward systems with the competencies and skills required to direct and operate business processes rather than manage and perform functions and jobs. In an open labor market, essential human resources are manifested by personal competencies, skills, knowledge, and capabilities.
Can we repeat here our guarantee? Our guarantee, which is a selling tool probably needs to be brought more up-front and revamped in this sense.