In Such An Hour page 3

Now, about "net-working" and what I think happened to it, and I'm not talking just "breakdown," you know, well, I'm just too long-winded today. I'll bring that up, and the second Law of Thermonuclear Dynamics ("entropy," meaning fast changes on our Earth from its beginning.) That doesn't seem to be recognized anymore. I'll write to you soon.


Willow Willobee

Senator Willow Willobee

P.S. I keep saying to myself, "I'm an OK kid." It helps, but I wish I could truly worry like other people. [Sob] Concern is the best I can do. Which makes me think of God's Grace. Does it - do you think - still encircle every single person there is? That's what Mama believes, that and that "addictive people" suffer far more than we know from withdrawals from no-no's. . . . I know that the few who have good jobs feel over-worked and want to rest more. That includes their brains--a danger to the development of new ideas, I think. And kids wanted discipline, I know that.

Does it seem to you that even years ago, the world's people(s) made no real sacrifices? I mean real ones, as all the rest of us saw then.

[Whenever you see these brackets - the usual size after this - it's an insert from me, Molly, the chief and personal secretary, and an adorably plump one too. I do it as a way to get even with Willa's incorrigible and solemn honesty. Also, I typed (the next morning) all the D.C. letters and DAT. Will hold some of it, because the mail between here and the N. J. has been "iffy" lately. More iffy.]

Am I handing you too many "downers?" I guess I can't help it. They keep coming to mind - they're so rotton. Less rotton: Did you know that the kids' new music-noise is now banned? But next? - the few good movies and decent T-V series? At least the middle-aged souls have stopped wanting to be young again. Including me. Yes, I feel middle-aged. [Sob.]

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