By God's Grace and Mercy we have thirty years of Faithful service
here in this Vineyard, we thank God for all that he has done, and all that he
is doing.
As we gaze backward in the receding years, it brings forth Nostalgia
relative to certain landmarks, and personalities. We reflect on tears, toils
and sleeping saints. Yet the beacon of light leads us out of Darkness into
the light of salvation and redemption. In these twenty nine years my life
bas~L ched the lives of many people, and I count it as a blessing that ~he
Lord used me to Minister to them.
Palma Ceia Baptist Church has strived to make God's word our Guide in
all things. Our aim is to minister to the Congregation and meet the needs of
the community.
Thanks to all the faithful members who have supported this Ministry
throughout the years. Serve on, Pray on for there are still greater things
waiting for us in the years ahead.
Also, I thank all the faithful committee members who put in a lot of time to
make this directory possible.
There are blessings that come to us
from god's bountiful hand,
the like of which tells a story
of God's love to man.
I count these blessings one by one,
from his throne on high the of which causes me,
to thank him, beyond the sky.
Yours in his love,
Pastor Charles F. Bennett