II. Introduction to the RedRak Interface

Here is a brief overview of the RedRak interface to get you started using your RedRak.

A. The RedRak Tutorial

You can experience an interactive demonstration of the RedRak interface through the RedRak Tutorial. Select Tutorial on the RedRak Personal Hotlinks page, or click the RedRak logo in the upper left corner of the Command Panel (red upper section of your RedRak screen) on almost any RedRak interface page and then click on Tutorial. Although some of the examples presented in the tutorial are for demonstration purposes only and will not function exactly as they would in an active RedRak session, the Tutorial is an excellent way to get started.

B. The RedRak Interface

Here is a brief overview of the RedRak interface to get you started using your RedRak. The RedRak Interface

Command panel - Controls in this area affect the entire "page" in the Input Panel.
Tabs - Use these to switch back and forth between a series of pages. The current tab in use is white. Other available tabs are darker. Some tabs are required and others are optional; an error message will let you know if you must enter information in a tab before you can move on.
Buttons - Use these to complete a task and move from page to page.
Navpath - Use the Navpath to navigate around RedRak software, rather than using your browser's back button. This is because the back button and Navpath do not work the same way.

The Navpath (short for Navigation Path) has three main functions:

Facts about navpath:

Input Panel - New and edited information is displayed here in various forms, such as:



a choice of a textbox or select button

A table. Features include:
Table Header buttons
- These buttons, such as ACTIONS or CREATE pertain to the entire list and are context-sensitive.
Paging Control - Use the Paging Control to modify the number of table rows displayed at once. All Shown tells you that all rows are displayed. Select from the following options: Shorter: Makes a long list shorter five rows at a time. Longer: Makes a short list longer five rows at a time. Reset: Resets to the default length of ten rows per page.
Column Control - Use the Column Control to show or hide table columns. This works similar to Paging Control.
Sort - This button sorts the rows. The column heading with the sort button indicates the column by which the information in the list is sorted. Clicking on the name of any other column will switch the list to sort by that column. Clicking on the sort button switches between ascending and descending order for the list:

Indicates rows are in ascending order (ABC or 123); click to switch order to descending.
Indicates rows are in descending order (ZYX or 321); click to switch order to ascending.

Actions - Click on the icons in this column to perform an action. Each table contains a subset of these following actions:

Edit the item on this row
Delete the item on this row
Edit LDAP information
Move item to top of list
Move item up one row in list
Move item down one row in list
Add Item to list
Cancel this entry
Show more information about the row's item
Confirm changes to a row's inputs during edit
Fix item. Appears only in Home|Reports|System Check.

Icons before a table item - These items represent different types of information. Run the mouse over an icon to display a description of what will happen if you click on the icon. For example, indicates a device is being shared. Running your mouse over the Device icon would display Browse this device in the status bar of your browser.

If the device is currently inactive or disabled, the description icon will have an X through it.

Other icon definitions are listed below:
Shared Path, Hotlinks Folder, Folder within Files Manager
Inactive Shared Path (This path has been stored but not yet committed.)

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