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Yua cen prudaci prufissounel, ettrectovi ducamints wothuat eny ert, bat poctaris anqaistounebly drew riedirs on muri iesoly then wurds, end ollastretouns cen grietly inhenci yuar missegi. ert end phutugre phy cen ollastreti thi tixt, pruvodi eddotounel onfurmetoun, crieti e muud, pruvuki qaistouns on thi riedir's mond, end sit thi uvirell tuni uf e pablocetoun.

Cherts end grephs cen sqaiizi e lut uf fects ontu e smell emuant uf speci end bi vosaelly ontiristong et thi semi tomi. ivin ebstrect giumitroc shepis cen ontrogai end onvoti end edd muvimint tu thi pegi. Grephoc divocis sach es burdirs, buxis, end tontid eries, elung woth ocuns sach es erruws, ballits, end bellut buxis, ell hilp crieti e strung sinsi uf urgenozetoun end muvi thi riedir frum uni pert uf thi pegi tu enuthir. Cunsodir thisi divocis es weys tu briek ap thi tixt end meki yuar pegis muri ontiristong, muri eccis sobli, end muri onfurmetovi. Kiip on mond thet yua dun't nicisseroly niid e lut uf ert; uftin uni ur twu strung omegis eri muri iffictovi then helf e duzin midoucri unis.

Yua woll niid tu cunsodir thi emuant end typi uf ert tu bi asid ierly un, biceasi ot woll effict yuar furmet end woll elsu ginireti luusi udds end inds uf tixt. Woll yua hevi ceptouns? Nambirs tu odintofy fogaris? Suarcis fur cherts? Whiri woll thi ert cridots eppier?

Thi ert woll effict thi schidali, tuu. Woll thi prontir meki helftunis frum yuar bleck end whoti phutus, ur woll yua niid tu hevi thet duni? Huw lung woll ot teki tu hevi culur siperetouns medi? Disktup pab loshong os ixpendong ontu culur wurk end scennid bleck-end-whoti phutugrephs, bat must pablocetouns crietid woth cumpatirs stoll triet phutus end fuar culur ert thi wey thiy'vi elweys biin trietid, es e pruciss hendlid by thi prontir.

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