COMSUL embraces several key values which motivate and pervade everything we do. They include:
Providing Value to our Clients. We strive to help our clients succeed so we:
- Understand their businesses and their needs
- Communicate effectively with them
- Provide cost effective and appropriate technical and business solutions
- Interact with them as partners
- Identify and communicate our value to them
Striving to be the Best. We understand that our skill set must continually evolve with the industry and that we will always be challenged with new competition so we:
- Seek new ways to be of value to our clients
- Continually hone and acquire new skills
- Evaluate ways to conduct our projects more efficiently and effectively, and with a high level of quality
- Measure and improve our performance and our client's level of satisfaction
- Embrace change as an opportunity to improve
Integrity. Integrity and high standards of ethics are fundamental to our business and critical to our success. Therefore, each of us will:
- Make and keep commitments
- Act in an honest manner in all our business dealings
- Avoid conflicts of interest
- Conform to the spirit and letter of the laws which govern our business
- Adhere rigorously to COMSUL's Code of Ethics
Belief in the Value of Our People. Our product is the skills and experience of our staff. Therefore we:
- Empower and expect our people to act
- Engage in continuous training in technical and consultation skills
- Treat each other with respect and dignity
- Expect each individual to grow and achieve
- Accept only the best
Profitability. Sustained profitability is both the measure of how successfully we serve our clients and the resource for our growth and ability to provide new services. Therefore we:
- Plan and measure all our activities with respect to effects on the bottom line
- Maximize our profits consistent with providing commensurate value to our clients
- Expect a high level of productivity from all our employees
- Encourage profitability by sharing the rewards of our efforts among our employees