Introduction. COMSUL Ltd. is an independent professional consulting firm specializing in voice & data communications, information systems and security systems. The firm, a California corporation, was founded in 1967. Our headquarters is in San Francisco and we have offices around the country as shown below. COMSUL's clients are typically end users of technology. We have worked for a broad range of business and industry and have served over 2000 clients in both the public and private sectors. Our work is in both the national and international arenas.
Relationship to the Design Industry. COMSUL's projects frequently involve site relocation or the restacking of an existing site so we work frequently with design teams. We support the industry by active participation in projects, collaboration with design firms, and through seminars with and for designers. Our contributions to the design industry have been recognized by the award of the Institute for Business Designers (IBD) Calibre Award for Technical Consultant of the Year.
447 Battery Street | San Francisco | 415.989.6700 | |||||||||
87 East Green St., Suite 206 | Pasadena |
15995 N. Barkers Landing, Suite 111
1201 Peachtree Street, Suite 200
1120 Avenue of the Americas
New York City
| |
447 Battery St. Suite 300, San Francisco, CA 94111
(415) 989-6700
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