Answers: A. genteel B. generosity C. regeneration D. generalize
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Complete WORD Web puzzle "text": Area A--7 letter adjective that means: having an aristocratic quality or flair; well bred and stylish. Area B--10 letter noun that means: liberality in spirit or act, especially liberality in giving. Area C--12 letter noun that means: renewal or restoration of a body or a body part after injury or as a normal process. Area D--10 letter verb that means: to derive or infer (a general conception or principal) from particular facts.
Answers in context: A. Her genteel manner endeared her to the new visitors who appreciated her refined personality. B. The gift of $10,000 to the college showed unusual generosity from the two young engineers. C. In spite of the doctor's efforts, there was no skin tissue regeneration after the severe auto accident. D. In your discussions it is necessary to be specific rather than to be vague or to generalize.