Answer: Baby /// mother relate in the same manner as symphony /// composer. A baby is created by a mother.
Analogy puzzles Analogy puzzles are hard until you understand how to categorize the kind of broad relationship any pair of words suggests. While the following list of 12 relationships is not all inclusive, it should help in understanding the most frequently used relationship questions on various college-level tests and exams.
1. Cause & Effect - moon is to (causes) light as eclipse is to (effects) darkness. 2. Parts & Wholes- Versailles is to (one of many) palace as Bastille is to prison. Maturity is to (evolves from) adolescence just like childhood and infancy. 3. Worker Things - dentist (uses a) drill; carpenter ( builds a) house; writer (creates an) article. 4. Tools, Objects & Actions - chalk (works on) blackboard; chicken (cooks by) broil; breaks (stop) bike; throw (an act) baseball. 5. People & Goals/Objectives - golfer (want to shoot) par; burglar (will avoid) police. 6. Purpose - shoulder pad (will protect) bones; glove (will catch) ball. 7. Characteristics & Types - filth (will bring) infestation; blood (characterizes a) wound. 8. Degree of Intensity - joy is to ecstasy as hot is to boiling. 9. Association (in concept, geography, title, etc.) - devil (is associated with) bad; Chicago is to Illinois; cardiologist is to the heart. 10. Time Sequence - winter is to spring, before is to after, or Sunday is to Monday. 11. Class to species, gender or age - insect is to spider; ewe is to ram; kid is to goat 12. Synonyms, Antonyms, Grammar - lie and prevaricate (synonyms); skillful and clumsy (antonyms); pig and bovine (noun to adjective).