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**********FEBRUARY 1996***********
"These puzzles are really BEARS."
Directions for the Power Bear's WORD FIND PUZZLES:
There are four rules: - (1) Words must be of 4 letters or more.
- (2) Words which get to four letters by adding a "s" [like dogs, pigs ] do not count.
- (3) Words can only be one form to count.
- (4) No proper names can be counted.
FEB'95= The word is TRESTLES. You need to find at least 24 words from the eight letters in "trestles" to earn an average score. You have a 45 minute time limit. We know of 35 words.
- The meaning of TRESTLES (TRES 'lz) = frameworks for carrying roads over depressions in the land.
- TRESTLES in context: Because of the extensive damage from the multiple explosion, the engineers had to build trestles over the huge holes to allow the traffic to cross.
**********DECEMBER 1995***********
"These puzzles are really BEARS."
Directions for the Power Bear's WORD FIND PUZZLES:
There are four rules: - (1) Words must be of 4 letters or more.
- (2) Words which get to four letters by adding a "s" [like dogs, pigs ] do not count.
- (3) Words can only be one form to count.
- (4) No proper names can be counted.
DEC'95= The word is TWITCHES. You need to find at least 29 words from the eight letters in "twitches" to earn an average score. You have a 50 minute time limit. We know of 35 words.
- The meaning of TWITCHES (TWITCH es) = moves jerkily; quiver.
- TWITCHES in context: My friend really twitches when I move a light feather under his nose while he is sleeping.
**********NOVEMBER 1995***********
"These puzzles are really BEARS."
Directions for the Power Bear's WORD FIND PUZZLES:
There are four rules: - (1) Words must be of 4 letters or more.
- (2) Words which get to four letters by adding a "s" [like dogs, pigs ] do not count.
- (3) Words can only be one form to count.
- (4) No proper names can be counted.
NOV'95= The word is OBTUNDED. You need to find at least 26 words from the eight letters in "obtunded" to earn an average score. You have a 40 minute time limit. We know of 30 words.
- The meaning of OBTUNDED (ob TUN ded) = dulled, blunted. From Latin obtundere=to beat at.
- OBTUNDED in context: Years of use caused the tool to become obtunded .
**********OCTOBER 1995************
"These puzzles are really BEARS."
Directions for the Power Bear's WORD FIND PUZZLES:
There are four rules: - (1) Words must be of 4 letters or more.
- (2) Words which get to four letters by adding a "s" [like dogs, pigs ] do not count.
- (3) Words can only be one form to count.
- (4) No proper names can be counted.
OCT'95 = The word is ALLURING. You need to find at least 25 words from the eight letters in "alluring" to earn an average score. You have a 45 minute time limit. We know of 48 words.
- The meaning of ALLURING (a LUR ing) = very attractive and tempting.
- ALLURING in context: He found her most alluring because, when he looked at her or pictured her in his mind, he was overwhelmed by her charm and fascinated by her attractive features.
**********SEPTEMBER 1995**************
"These puzzles are really BEARS."
Directions for the Power Bear's WORD FIND PUZZLES:
There are four rules: - (1) Words must be of 4 letters or more.
- (2) Words which get to four letters by adding a "s" [like dogs, pigs ] do not count.
- (3) Words can only be one form to count.
- (4) No proper names can be counted.
SEPT'95 = The word is CHARISMA. You need to find at least 18 words from the eight letters in "charisma" to earn an average score. You have a 45 minute time limit. We know of 37 words.
- The meaning of CHARISMA (ka RIZ ma) = a personal magic of leadership.
- CHARISMA in context: The President had such charisma that even difficult legislation, which seemed impossible to discuss, was passed with great speed because of his persuasive powers.
**********JULY 1995****************
"These puzzles are really BEARS."
Directions for the Power Bear's WORD FIND PUZZLES:
There are four rules: - (1) Words must be of 4 letters or more.
- (2) Words which get to four letters by adding a "s" [like dogs, pigs ] do not count.
- (3) Words can only be one form to count.
- (4) No proper names can be counted.
JULY'95 = The word is SINCIPUT. You need to find at least 15 words from the eight letters in "sinciput" to earn an average score. You have a 30 minute time limit. We know of 23 words.
- The meaning of SINCIPUT (SIN-si-put) = the forehead. From Latin semi=half and caput=head.
- SINCIPUT in context: He hauled off and hit him right in the sinciput.
- The word TRESTLES is the February '96 word -- we know at least 35 words that can be made from this word. They are: tele, terse, test, testes, trees, tress, tsetse, relet, reset, rest, rete, retest, reefs, else, esse, ester, seel, seer, sere, sestet, settles, settet, sleet, steel, steer, stele, stere, sterlet, stet, street, leers, lees, lesser, lest, letters.
- The word TWITCHES is the December '95 word -- we know at least 35 words that can be made from this word. They are: test, teth, theist, thetic, thews, this, tithe, twice, twist, twitch, twits, west, whet, whit, white, whist, wise, wish, witches, with, withe, itches, chest, chews, chit, cites, hist, etch, ethics, sect, site, stat, stew, stitch, switch.
- The word OBTUNDED is the November '95 word -- we know at least 30 words that can be made from this word. They are: bend, bode, bone, bonded, bound, bout, bund, bunt, buteo, tend, to-be, toed, tone, tube, tuned, undo, unto, node, noted, nude, ebon, debut, debt, dent, done, doted, doubt, dude, duet, dune.
- The word ALLURING is the October'95 word -- we know at least 48 words that can be made from this word. They are: algin, align, anil, argil, aril, lain, lair, liang, liar, ligan, ligula, ling, linga, lingual, lira, lunar, lung, luring, ulna, unrig, urinal, rail, rain, rani, rial, rill, ring, ruga, ruling, ruin, ruing, iglu, nail, null, gain, gall, gaur, gill, girl, glair, gnart, grail, grain, grill, grin, guan, gutar, gull.
- The word CHARISMA is the September '95 word-- we know at least 37 words that can be made from this word. They are: camas, casa, cash, chair, char, charms, chasm, chiasma, cram, crash, hair, harms, amah, amir, arch, archaism, aria, arms, asci, rachis, racism, rash, rich, sari, scar, scram, scrim, sham, shim, shri, simar, smirch, marc, march, marsh, mash, mica.
- The word SINCIPUT is the July '95 word -- we know at least 23 words that can be made from this word. They are: scup, scut, sit-in, snip, snit, spin, spit, stun, suint, suit, ictus, incus, input, nisi, cuso, cutin, cut-in, pint, punt, unci, unit, tipi, tunic.
POWER, the bear, wants your
feedback. You can tell him your thoughts about his puzzle via email:
power@syndicate.com If you would
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