This page has the Each puzzle has directions and the CORRECT ANSWERS ARE AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE. The dictionary definitions, when used, are with permission of Random House Webster's College Dictionary. Thank you for your interest in this area as we evolve our content. Please read the trademark and copyright notice on the electronic mail page.

**********FEBRUARY 1996***********
"These puzzles are really BEARS."
Directions for the Power Bear's WORD FIND PUZZLES: There are four rules:

FEB'95= The word is TRESTLES. You need to find at least 24 words from the eight letters in "trestles" to earn an average score. You have a 45 minute time limit. We know of 35 words.

**********DECEMBER 1995***********
"These puzzles are really BEARS."
Directions for the Power Bear's WORD FIND PUZZLES: There are four rules:

DEC'95= The word is TWITCHES. You need to find at least 29 words from the eight letters in "twitches" to earn an average score. You have a 50 minute time limit. We know of 35 words.

**********NOVEMBER 1995***********
"These puzzles are really BEARS."
Directions for the Power Bear's WORD FIND PUZZLES: There are four rules:

NOV'95= The word is OBTUNDED. You need to find at least 26 words from the eight letters in "obtunded" to earn an average score. You have a 40 minute time limit. We know of 30 words.

**********OCTOBER 1995************
"These puzzles are really BEARS."
Directions for the Power Bear's WORD FIND PUZZLES: There are four rules:

OCT'95 = The word is ALLURING. You need to find at least 25 words from the eight letters in "alluring" to earn an average score. You have a 45 minute time limit. We know of 48 words.

**********SEPTEMBER 1995**************
"These puzzles are really BEARS."
Directions for the Power Bear's WORD FIND PUZZLES: There are four rules:

SEPT'95 = The word is CHARISMA. You need to find at least 18 words from the eight letters in "charisma" to earn an average score. You have a 45 minute time limit. We know of 37 words.

**********JULY 1995****************
"These puzzles are really BEARS."
Directions for the Power Bear's WORD FIND PUZZLES: There are four rules:

JULY'95 = The word is SINCIPUT. You need to find at least 15 words from the eight letters in "sinciput" to earn an average score. You have a 30 minute time limit. We know of 23 words.



POWER, the bear, wants your feedback. You can tell him your thoughts about his puzzle via email: power@syndicate.com If you would like to know how to download a demo disk of all five puzzles, click demo disk here.

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