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MTC Announces Immediate Availability of Online AFP Processing
MTC announces the availability of online Advanced Function Presentation (AFP) processing for Page Handler, MTCs AFP and Xerox datastream conversion software. This solution is targeted for the mainframe user wishing to store, retrieve, and index AFP applications on digital and analog output media, with the convenience of single-point data download from a mainframe terminal. This announcement is the result of successful integration of Page Handler with IBMs MVS Download, an optional feature of IBM Print Services Facility/Multiple Virtual Storage (PSF/MVS). MVS Direct, a new Page Handler interface module, has been developed to interface directly with MVS Download. Our AFP online solution provides significant advantages over our closest competitors solution, states Rod Brownfield, Product Manager for Page Handler. We handle the entire conversion and indexing process on an industry-standard Pentium PC, not on the mainframe. Just download your data, and we do the rest. And, you can switch between AFP and alphanumeric data processing with one simple click of a mouse. Page Handler has been designed to seamlessly integrate with MTCs other software and hardware products, keeping in line with MTCs philosophy of utilizing an open systems architecture. MTC feels that an open-systems philosophy will continue to make MTC the logical choice for service bureaus and in-house customers, who wish to move away from the proprietary solutions offered by their competition.
MTC Announces Immediate Availability of the Document Organizer MTC announces the immediate availability of Document Organizer. The Document Organizer is an end point production manager which breaks down a large report by distribution point, merges it with other reports destined to that user and produces them all at once on the media of choice, on schedule. The Document Organizer enables the user to produce the job once and meet all requirements plus: create CDs in one pass, print reports by distribution point, and produce high density fiche by distribution point. The Document Organizer eliminates job shuffling, the need for clip boards and reduces labor and mainframe overhead while adding some flexibility to the users operation. The Document Organizer, when coupled with MTCs Automated Microfiche Packaging System and IDS Executive, creates a complete end point production environment that virtually eliminates labor and errors. States Donna Cangelosi, Executive Vice President and COO of MTC.
MTC Announces Immediate Availability of Online AFP Processing MTC announces the availability of online Advanced Function Presentation (AFP) processing for Page Handler, MTCs AFP and Xerox datastream conversion software. This solution is targeted for the mainframe user wishing to store, retrieve, and index AFP applications on digital and analog output media, with the convenience of single-point data download from a mainframe terminal. This announcement is the result of successful integration of Page Handler with IBMs MVS Download, an optional feature of IBM Print Services Facility/Multiple Virtual Storage (PSF/MVS). MVS Direct, a new Page Handler interface module, has been developed to interface directly with MVS Download. Our AFP online solution provides significant advantages over our closest competitors solution, states Rod Brownfield, Product Manager for Page Handler. We handle the entire conversion and indexing process on an industry-standard Pentium PC, not on the mainframe. Just download your data, and we do the rest. And, you can switch between AFP and alphanumeric data processing with one simple click of a mouse. Page Handler has been designed to seamlessly integrate with MTCs other software and hardware products, keeping in line with MTCs philosophy of utilizing an open systems architecture. MTC feels that an open-systems philosophy will continue to make MTC the logical choice for service bureaus and in-house customers, who wish to move away from the proprietary solutions offered by their competition.
Announcing the 6899 Automated Microfiche Packaging System MTC announces the availability of the Auto- mated Microfiche Packaging System. MTCs foolproof Automated Microfiche Packaging system eliminates both costly labor and mistakes. This system envelopes and labels master and duplicate microfiche either together or separately, depending on the customers requirements. 6899 Packager highlights include automatic enveloping and labeling of microfiche production, quality assurance, and a fully automated operating environment. States Donna Cangelosi, Executive Vice President and COO of MTC, Coupled with the Document Organizer and IDS Executive the Automated Microfiche Packaging System gives the user a complete end point production environment that virtually eliminates errors and dramatically reduces labor costs. |