Enterprise Model
The Enterprise Model represents the integrated data requirements of a business organization.

ADRM has developed Enterprise Models for specific industries based upon that industry's common functions, business areas, terminology, data relationships and business rules.

A typical enterprise data modeling effort requires 2-3 years of effort with associated development, staffing and training costs. Each Enterprise Model is of sufficient detail that this timeline may be reduced to 3-4 weeks. The business organization is able to launch its data modeling effort immediately by modifying, extending and integrating existing ADRM models to meet its specific requirements.

The Enterprise Model graphically depicts entities by colored subject area, keys, attributes, relationships and cardinality. These components are developed and maintained within a multi-platform CASE environment that provides the tools for rapid development of models as well as physical design and data administration.

The Enterprise Model is the foundation for developing integrated Subject Area Models, Decision Support System models and the Data Warehouse Model.