Month #5:96 --- Contest A --- posted April 27th, 1996. This contest answer sheet will be due on Friday, May 31st at 9 p.m. Pacific time. These are the new puzzles for the May '96 contest. If you are browsing after Friday 5/31/96, please come back June 3rd for the next contest.
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Puzzle #1 - Directions

PUZZLE #1 - Rooty*Hoot*Hoot Answer Sheet.

RHH answer A
RHH answer B
RHH answer C
RHH answer D RHH answer E RHH answer F

My name is Rooty. Tell me your thoughts about my puzzle via email: If you would like to know how to download a demo disk of all five word puzzles, click demo disk here.

"Have a visually rich encounter, compete and have fun with the *Rooty*Hoot*Hoot*-brand word puzzles."

Puzzle #2 - Directions

PUZZLE #2 - WORD Web Answer Sheet.

WW answer A
WW answer B
WW answer C
WW answer D

My name is A.Raknid. Tell me your thoughts about my puzzle via email:

"Stretch your vocabulary when you discover the synonyms and the opposites."

Puzzle #3 - Directions

PUZZLE #3 - WORD SynOpps Answer Sheet.

WSO answer 1 - WSO answer 3
WSO answer 2 - WSO answer 4

WSO answer 5 - WSO answer 7
WSO answer 6 - WSO answer 8

WSO answer 9 - WSO answer 11
WSO answer 10 - WSO answer 12

My name is Nectar. Tell me your thoughts about my puzzle via email: If you would like to know how to download a demo disk of all five word puzzles, click demo disk here.

"Oh, gees, these are hard."

Puzzle #4 - Directions

PUZZLE #4 - WORD Ogees Answer Sheet.

WO-1 answer: CLANDESTINE is to SECRETIVE as:

Puzzle #5 - Directions

PUZZLE #5 - WORD Ogees Answer Sheet.

WO-2 answer: CONSOLATION is to GRIEF as:

My name is Yodel. Tell me your thoughts about my puzzle via email: If you would like to know how to download a demo disk of all five word puzzles, click demo disk here.

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