This is an example of the WORD SynOpps puzzle. The puzzle has directions, the 12 correct synonym and antonym answers, and the three featured words used in context. The dictionary definitions are used with permission from Random House Webster's College Dictionary. Please read the trademark and copyright notice on the email page.

"Stretch your vocabulary when you discover the synonyms and the opposites."
Directions: Determine the best synonyms and antonyms that fit in the blank spaces under each feature word. Give yourself 2 points for each right answer. You're a "word wizard" when you score 22 points; you're a "good-worder" when you score 16 points or more; keep trying if you get 14 points or less. Some of the blanks are filled in to make your job a little easier.

Answers: 1. nautical 2. oceanic 3. terrestrial 4. earthy 5. seasoned 6. developed 7. youthful 8. unworldly 9. leniency 10. clemency 11. severity 12. harshness

If the WORD SynOpps puzzle words above are not a clear picture, just hit Command R, and the request will be sent out again. However, you can also read the complete text of the puzzle's contents below.

Complete WORD SynOpps puzzle "text": Feature word = MARITIME has 2 synonyms with hint letters of 1= xAUxxxxx and 2= OxxxNxx; plus 2 antonyms with hint letters of 3= xxRRxxxxxxx and 4= ExRxxx. Feature word = MATURE has 2 synonyms with hint lettters of 5= SExxxxxx and 6= xxVxxxPxx; plus 2 antonyms with hint letters of 7= YxxxxFxx and 8= xxWxRxxxx. Feature word = MERCY has 2 synonyms with hint letters of 9=xxxIxxxY and 10=CxxxxxCx; plus 2 antonyms with hint letters of 11=xxVxRxxx and 12=HxxxxNxxx.

Featured words in context:1. Maritimelaws always pertain to the rules of the oceans and seas. 2. He was a mature adult at 65 years old, but he had a teenager's sense of humor. 3. The judge showed no mercywhen he sentenced the offender to ten days in jail for his fourth parking ticket.

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