This is an example of the Root*Hoot*Hoot puzzle. The puzzle has directions, the correct answers, and the key word answers in context. The dictionary definitions are used with permission from Random House Webster's College Dictionary. Please read the trademark and copyright notice on the email page.

"Learning's a hoot if you know the root."
Directions: Use the root and its meaning to discover the key word in the A, B & C boxes. The clue gives the number of letters and part of speech for the key word. In the last line, the key word is stated. Now guess the root, root meaning, and key word meaning in boxes D, E, &F.

Answers: A. fidelity B. fumigate C. rehabilitate D. JUDI E. judge F. having sound judgement

If the Rooty*Hoot*Hoot puzzle words above are not a clear picture, just hit Command R, and the request will be sent out again. However, you can also read the complete text of the puzzle's contents below.

Complete Rooty*Hoot*Hoot puzzle "text": Line #1: FID--faith--8 letter noun--faithfulness. Line #2: FUM--smoke--8 letter verb--to destroy germs by smoking them out. Line #3: HAB--have--12 letter verb--to restore or make able again; restrengthen. Line #4: Root is ?--Root meaning is ?--judicious--what does judicious mean?

Answers in context:1. The troops showed their fidelity to the cause by risking their lives for the president. 2. When the men fumigate the house with bug spray, there are no insects for months. 3. The athlete worked hard to rehabilitate his knee so he could play next season. 4. The students were judicious in deciding not to copy the final exam they saw by mistake.

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